Patient Forward is fighting for a future where all pregnant people are met with support, not stigma or punishment.

We combine story and strategy to ignite a culture shift on later abortion and pregnancy criminalization. 

Current Projects

Who Not When
A people-centered resource for understanding abortions later in pregnancy. Also home to fact sheets, a media guide, and guidance for talking about later abortion.

Abortion Justice Now
A position statement opposing viability and gestational limits in abortion law. More than 300 organizations and individuals have signed on in support

Abortion Policy API
An API (application programming interface) that allows developers of applications and websites to integrate accurate abortion policy data that stays up-to-date. 

Past Projects

A successful grassroots campaign to support efforts to decriminalize abortion in New York State.

The No Choice Travel Agency
An experiential advocacy pop-up to bring attention to New York’s abortion law.

Abortion Patients
A public letter signed by hundreds of later abortion patients and partners, pushing back on Trump’s rhetoric.

Step Up New York
An outreach campaign to connect with people affected by New York’s abortion laws.

Talk Like a Pro
A resource to offer messaging guidance for talking about abortion later in pregnancy.

To learn more about abortion later in pregnancy, visit our people-centered resource for understanding abortions later in pregnancy at